How a fast food giant uses Weezmo to deliver exceptional customer experience

One of the most recognized fast food chains with an excellent track record in innovation was looking for new ways to strengthen loyalty and drive more repeat visits.

Weezmo’s digital receipt was the preferred solution, because of its array of design features and the high level of engagement and personalization offered. For the fast food giant, the digital receipts integrate their various customer journeys dedicated to strengthening loyalty via newsletters, social media, mobile apps and faster orders.

Speed drives repeats

Fast food is all about speed of service. So, waiting in line or waiting for your meal is not what you expect when having a burger.

Even more so, if you already know precisely which sauce and drink you’ll take. Weezmo enabled the fast-food giant to speed up the ordering process for repeat customers, resulting in significantly shorter queue times.

“Customers quickly appreciated the benefits and it’s not surprising that the average open rate of the digital receipts is above 70%. ”

The customer is king

Customers are loyal to a brand beyond a single location; especially when it comes to fast food. With a highly personalized receipt, the giant’s customers can quickly re-order their favorite dish via QR code and complete their order in no time, regardless of which branch they’ve ordered from previously.

Customers love it: After only two months, more than 50% were using their QR codes to re-order their favorite dish. Customers quickly appreciated the benefits and it’s not surprising that the average open rate of the digital receipts is above 70%. The fast food chain takes full advantage of the flexibility offered by Weezmo. With their strong focus on digital engagement, the team leverages the Weezmo platform constantly as part of the brand’s digital strategy.

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